Welcome to our Church Services
Fellowship with us

Sunday Service
We have two services every Sunday. Luganda services starts 8:00am and the second service starts at 10:00am in English and Luganda

Youth Fellowship
The educative youths ministry is solving different challenges affecting the youths in the community by empowering the young generation.

Family Fellowship
Every first Thursday of the month is dedicated to building strong family pillars. Don’t miss to fellowship with. It is a very powerful spirit driven moment.

the CFC Reach outs
We reach out to communities two times every month to preach and empower community members with life skills for improved quality of life.
How we impact communities
Our Ministry Projects

Faith Education Centre
Faith Education Centre is a leading Primary school in Kayunga district aiming at eliminating education poverty from the community and building God fearing citizens.

Radio & TV Programs
We have shows on Dream TV (Sunday 6:30pm) and Impact Radio (Tuesday 6:00pm) to spread the gospel and empower the community with life skills.

Faith Christian Church
Faith Christian church is Located within Bukolooto township in Kayunga. We are working to improve the relationship between the people and their God and to improve the quality of life in Uganda.